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Vendors Beware - Aquafest 2025 has been moved to a different weekend than the  traditional "last full weekend of July"! We are moving it back 2 weeks so we can provide a carnival. This will result in a bigger draw to the downtown area for Aquafest weekend and contribute to your success.

New weekend for 2025 is July 11th thru the 13th. This is the same dates as the Arlington Street Fair & Sultan Shindig. 

Vendor Registration requirements:
Before registering below, please download the following forms to fill out and bring to check-in on July 11th.
These are required for check-in. Please do not email or mail them.

Example of Liability Insurance Requirement

Waiver, Release and Indemnification Agreement


Choose your vendor type below

Food and Food Trucks are by Invitation only. If you were a food vendor last year (2024) you will be contacted shortly. If you would like to be considered and you are not a returning food vendor from 2024, email us at

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